“Kita berdakwah, orang meludah. Kita tarbiyah, orang menyampah. Jangan mengalah. Kita seorang khalifah & kita ada Allah.”
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21 June 2016

i don't have choice

Only spending money on what I really need, not that I want,
Only planning to hang out with friends, and didn't go,
Only seeing goods, and end up didn't buy it,
That's me. A daughter of a great mother.

New information, new experiences, new love,
New blouse, new scarf, new shoe,
once a year. or maybe no for shoe.
It's not because she don't want to give, but more to I don't want to get.

Adapting to a boring environment is like breathing for me.
I don't really think about it, just do it.
I don't have choice.

Always the lastest kid in the world,
And the first kid in my mother's heart.
And she has a special place in my heart.

What it's like to be a daughter of my mother?
I learned that everything is not impossible,
There's one time when you need to stand on your own feet,
I learned that things that we want should from our own sweats.

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